The Stars (Jan Chramosta, CZ)
Song for Veronica (Denisa Novobilská, CZ)
Closure (Faraz Alam, CZ)
Slow Down - AlanMichael featuring Down Richard (Vanessa Marzaroli, USA)
Angel Signs (Fernando de Miguel Fuertes, Australia)
Kazue Kahoru is a social detective (Julie Černá, CZ)
Die Alone (Official Music Video) (Angela Mavropoulos, Savvas Christou, CY)
The Ceiling (Sonja Kröhn, CZ)
Bert & Friends - Night Rider (Adam Kořínek, Albert Romanutti, CZ)
Jako pěna (Tomas Krutina, CZ)
Urbannino - So oder so (Julius Eirund, Germany)
The New Horizons – Earth (Odair Faleco, CZ)
Art Film & Music Video Awards is a film and music video festival that presents the work of promising film and music video creators of various genres in the most beautiful city in Europe with a high interest in tourism and culture, London. We focus on innovative approaches to creating music videos. The festival is held once a year.